Banbridge and Dromore Place Shaping Survey - Pre Development Stage

Closed 10 Aug 2022

Opened 27 Jul 2022


The people of Banbridge and Dromore are being invited to give early feedback to shape their town as part of the Community Planning Partnerships new place planning process.

Council as lead partner for the partnership have collaborated with Queens University Belfast to undertake desktop review and research of socio, economic and environmental landscape of each town centre, and to understand the interactions within the town centre from those people you live, work and study in Banbridge and Dromore.

Why your views matter

At this pre- development phase and we want to hear about how you interact with your town centre and what would help make Banbridge and Dromore a better place to live, work and study.   This short survey is an opportunity for you to provide feedback into the early research, and to give the partnership a better understanding of your views on your town.

We’d really appreciate if you could take some time to complete the survey which will help shape the plans for Banbridge and Dromore.

As the place planning process gets underway, there will be further consultation and engagement opportunities within Banbridge and Dromore such as one to one, workshops, meetings and online surveys. 

What happens next

The feedback received during this consultation will be considered in the development stage of the place planning for Banbridge and Dromore. 

We will listen to your views and will build this feedback into the development and topics for further consultation and engagement.

If you would like to keep in touch and be involved please complete question xxx.

For more information about the borough’s first community plan, Connected, the long-term, overarching plan for the borough, and the community planning partnership click here

For information on the Place Planning Projects please email