Tullygally Play Park

Closed 21 Aug 2019

Opened 7 Aug 2019

Feedback updated 3 Sep 2019

We asked

As part of Council’s Capital Play Development Programme the play park in Drumbeg/Meadownbrook/Pinbank (Tullygally) has been designated for refurbishment, with an investment of £100,000

There are more children and young people living within the Meadowbrook/ Drumbeg areas and the Play Strategy has recommended relocating the existing Play Area to better meet the needs of an expanded area to include Meadowbrook and Drumbeg. 

Two sites were identifed and Council wanted to hear residents views on which site they feel would better suit the Neighbourhood Play Park which is designated for the Tullygally area

You said

Council received 303 responses:

  •  34.32 % opted for site one (the exsisting site).
  •  65.68 % opted for site two (new site identified).


We did

Council is therefore recommending that the new play facilities be located on site two; this site is owned by NIHE and Council are progressing with this matter at the moment.

A public meeting will be arranged to discuss this matter with the residents/community; the date for this meeting will be post on the Get Active & Council Facebook/website pages.


In March 2017 Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play.

At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including:

  • Physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Social development.
  • Intellectual growth and learning.
  • Practical skills development.
  • Personal resilience, and
  • Establishing a connection to wider society and the community in which children live.

Council have established a Capital Play Development Programme for the coming 5 year period aimed at enhancing play value in those fixed play areas in most need, filling geographical gaps in provision and removing redundant fixed play areas and transforming the resultant sites for community use.

Why your views matter

As part of Council’s Capital Play Development Programme the play park in Drumbeg/Meadownbrook/Pinbank (Tullygally) has been designated for refurbishment, with an investment of £100,000

There are more children and young people living within the Meadowbrook/ Drumbeg areas and the Play Strategy has recommended relocating the existing Play Area to better meet the needs of an expanded area to include Meadowbrook and Drumbeg. 

It has been suggested that the current existing site (Site 1) may not be in the best location due to where the children are living and anti-social behaviour.  Taking this into consideration various site visits and a Public meeting took place and a potential new site (Site 2) has been identified which could better serve the children and young people from the whole area (subject to agreement with Housing Executive).

Council would like to hear residents views on which site they feel would better suit the Neighbourhood Play Park which is designated for the Tullygally area.

Council is committed to its equality and good relations duties as set out under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and the Rural Need Act 2016 and as part of this consultation we would like to ensure that you/your organisation has every opportunity to express its view.

What happens next

Once a site has been agreed, Council will then submit a concept design and carry out further consultations with stakeholders on the equipment selection, layout and design.