Local Development Plan Preferred Options Paper and Supporting Documents

Closed 30 May 2018

Opened 28 Mar 2018


The Preferred Options Paper is the first key stage in the Local Development Plan process. It is a public consultation document which sets out a vision, and a growth strategy for the Borough along with key issues that the Local Development Plan needs to address. The Preferred Options Paper sets out options how to address these issues along with the Council’s preferred options including a rationale.

A 9 week public consultation period will run from the 28th March 2018 to 5pm on 30th May 2018. Representations received to the Preferred Options Paper will help inform the Plan Strategy, which is the next stage in the LDP process.

Should you wish to receive the document in hard copy or an alternative format please contact us at the address, e-mail or telephone number given below:

Address: Planning LDP Team

                Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council

                Bridgewater House

                23a Castlewellan Road

                Banbridge, BT32 4AX

Telephone: 0300 200 7830 (NI General Planning Line)

                   0300 0300 900 (Main Council Line)

Email: ldp@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk

Website: https://armaghbanbridgecraigavon.citizenspace.com/planning/pop-consultation/


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