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145 results

  • Keady Consultation

    We welcome your views on the attached questions More
    Opened 26 February 2020
  • Public Consultation on the Preferred Option for Future Collection of Dry Recyclable Materials

    We are currently reviewing the options around what collection systems we will use in the future and this will determine the type of container that is used at the kerbside. More
    Opened 3 July 2020
  • City & Town Centres Identity Project - Armagh City, Banbridge, Craigavon, Dromore, Portadown and Lurgan

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is committed to work in partnership with residents, traders, chambers, community representatives and other key stakeholders to promote our city and town centres as places to visit, shop, dine and relax in. As part of our commitment to our city and town centres, Council's Regeneration team are leading on a programme of engagement with stakeholders across the Borough, and we are keen to hear your views on how you identify... More
    Opened 3 August 2020
  • Be Part of ABC Community and Voluntary Sector Panel

    Are you a local social enterprise, community or voluntary group? If yes, then we would love to hear from you. Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Community Planning Partnership is calling on individuals who are active within the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector to join the ABC Community and Voluntary Sector Panel. The current panel has 46 members from across the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough and are already playing a valuable role connecting many varied... More
    Opened 13 August 2020
  • Cathedral Road Play Area

    In March 2017 Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy to establish a strategic framework within which all decision-making as it relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play can take place. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: ... More
    Opened 14 August 2020
  • Oxford Island Play Area

    In March 2017 Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy to establish a strategic framework within which all decision-making as it relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play can take place. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: ... More
    Opened 4 September 2020
  • Take£500 - Stage one Application Form

    Opened 29 September 2020
  • Beaumont Square play area

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council through the Play Strategy are now in a position to move to the next stage of the process with regard to Beaumont Square Play Park and Play in the wider Shankill area. Given the responses received and discussions progressed, Play Development will now progress an online and postal survey to ascertain the views in the community in regard to fixed play. While we are completing the survey Beaumont Square Play... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • Edenvilla Play Park

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 9 November 2020
  • Taghnaven Play Area

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 11 November 2020
  • Scotch Street Play Area

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 13 November 2020
  • Take£500 - Your Choice PB - Stage 2 Voting for Projects

    Welcome to stage two – the video and voting stage of the Tak£500 your community, your voice, your choice Participatory Budgeting (PB) process. PB offers a real opportunity to empower local people and actively involve them in decision making and the distribution of support within their local areas. Over the last number of weeks groups have been busy generating ideas and coming up with projects that will benefit the community. They have been creating videos... More
    Opened 24 November 2020
  • Kingston Memorial Play Park

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 25 November 2020
  • Proposed drawings for Cathedral Road play area

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 30 November 2020
  • Tandragee Public Realm consultation - concept

    As part of the ongoing commitment to urban regeneration, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are continuing to plan for the future development of Tandragee with a Public Realm Scheme, providing high quality improvements within the settlement. The concept design proposed at Mill Street/ Markethill Road. This looks at the creation of a Gateway Feature/Community Space with the theme of historic Mill Wheels of Tandragee with the shape of the paths representing the water... More
    Opened 4 December 2020
  • Waringstown Public Realm Consultation - Concept

    As part of the ongoing commitment to urban regeneration, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are continuing to plan for the future development of Waringstown Public Realm Scheme, providing high quality improvements within the settlement. The theme of the design is based on the Weaving History of Waringstown and the layout of the feature elements within are based on the weaving spindles and the threads of material running between the spindles. The paving surrounding these... More
    Opened 4 December 2020
  • Craigavon Town Centre Revitalisation

    As part of the ongoing commitment to urban regeneration, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and the Department for Communities are proposing to undertake works to further revitalise Craigavon Town Centre. We are seeking views on proposed projects within the area of Craigavon Town Centre (as shown on the map below) including a town centre wide wayfinding and signage scheme and improvements to the town centre public realm around South Lake. The Department for... More
    Opened 7 December 2020
  • Christmas in Georgian Armagh 2020

    This survey is to gather the thoughts and opinions of those who have taken part in "Christmas in Georgian Armagh" tours. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and we would really appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback on your experiences. More
    Opened 10 December 2020
  • Christmas in Georgian Armagh 2020 - Armagh County Museum Workshops

    This survey is to gather the thoughts and opinions of those who have taken part in "Christmas in Georgian Armagh" workshops in Armagh County Museum. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and we would really appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback on your experiences. More
    Opened 4 January 2021
  • Leading Locally, Learning Globally Shared Leadership Event

    The event is from 10 am to 3.30 pm, if you are unable to attend the full session you can attend either the morning or afternoon sessions.. More
    Opened 14 January 2021
  • Local Economy Survey: Industrial Areas and Enterprise January 2021

    We appreciate this is an extremely challenging time for our local business community. This survey will help Council better understand local issues and challenges. Feedback provided will inform how we work with partners to support business development and growth in our key industrial and enterprise areas. The survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete and responses are strictly confidential. Thank you for participating in our Local Economy Survey. More
    Opened 18 January 2021
  • Banbridge Town Centre Public Realm - Pre Application Community Consultation

    As part of their ongoing commitment to urban regeneration, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is developing design proposals for potential public realm improvements within Banbridge Town Centre. The proposals focus on Church Square, Castlewellan Road, Bridge Street, Dromore Street, Downshire Road, Newry Street, Linenhall Street, Commercial Road, The Mall, Scarva Street, Downshire Place, Victoria Street, Old Kenlis Street, Newry Road, Downshire Bridge and the... More
    Opened 29 January 2021
  • Tandragee Public Realm consultation - revised concept drawings

    Armagh City, Banbridge, and Craigavon Borough Council is proposing to submit a planning application for improvements to the public realm in Tandragee. These proposals have been developed by the Council, as part of their commitment to delivering regeneration and economic development throughout the Borough. After careful consideration of the feedback council received from a previous consultation exercise 4 Dec 2020 to 11 Jan 2021 , designs have been revised. Once again... More
    Opened 5 February 2021
  • Waringstown Public Realm - concept consultation revised drawings

    Armagh City, Banbridge, and Craigavon Borough Council is proposing to submit a planning application for improvements to the public realm in Waringstown. These proposals have been developed by the Council, as part of their commitment to delivering regeneration and economic development throughout the Borough. After careful consideration of the feedback council received from a previous consultation period 04 Dec 2020 to 11 Jan 2021, designs have been revised. Once again... More
    Opened 5 February 2021
  • Urban Centre Identities – Implementation

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council has engaged with a number of key stakeholders within our six urban centres to develop and create a suite of new identities for each of our urban centres namely, Armagh City, Banbridge, Craigavon, Dromore, Lurgan and Portadown. The development of each urban centre identity has helped to define what is unique, charming and welcoming about each place. The aspiration of these identities will be to support and promote each... More
    Opened 5 February 2021
  • Kernan Play Park

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 8 February 2021
  • At Home with Saint Patrick Festival 2021

    This survey is to gather the thoughts and opinions of those who have registered their interest and/or attended the online At Home with St. Patrick Festival. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and we would really appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback on your experiences. More
    Opened 12 March 2021
  • Portadown Town Centre Regeneration

    Portadown Town Centre is continually evolving and Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council would like to introduce a vibrant Town Centre Market and Gateway Enhancement Project that will enhance, complement and develop current and future investments. Council would like to gather the thoughts and opinions of the business community, residents and the wider public on the provision of a Town Centre Market located at the bottom section of Magowan West Car Park (at... More
    Opened 14 April 2021
  • North Armagh Apple Orchards Experience Cluster - Share your Views

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is working with key agencies including Tourism NI and DAERA, business partners and community stakeholders to support the creation of unforgettable and special visitor experiences from the North Armagh Apple Orchards area. Ethna Murphy Consulting is appointed to develop this plan and has assembled a team who want to hear your views and ideas which reflect the special characteristics of this area and can be shared with... More
    Opened 14 May 2021
  • Gilford Play Park

    Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council developed a Play Strategy in March 2017 to establish a framework that relates to the provision of fixed play and the development of non-fixed play, across the Borough. At its core, the Play Strategy acknowledges that play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including: Physical and mental... More
    Opened 14 May 2021
145 results. Page 2 of 5