Proposed Performance Improvement Objectives 2024 to 2025
Feedback updated 8 Aug 2024
We asked
The Local Government Act (NI) requires Councils to ensure continuous improvement whilst carrying out their functions and delivering services. Councils are also required to set improvement objectives and put in place arrangements to achieve these.
Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council is keen to ensure performance objectives have a positive impact on the quality of life for stakeholders across our Borough.
Council carried out a consultation to seek views on our draft performance improvement objectives for 2024 - 2025. The consultation closed on 21 May 2024 with 34 responses. Responses received were from both individuals and organisations and an analysis of the results shows that 85 to 100% of respondents agreed with our proposed objectives giving the assurance that the proposals are appropriate for the year ahead.
You said
The suggestions, comments and feedback received have been passed to the relevant departments for consideration in line with business plans and service delivery plans.
The section below provides a brief update on how Council currently addresses the matters raised from the feedback. We recognise there is more work to be done and are committed to improving in these areas within the Performance Improvement Plan 2024-25.
We did
Objective 1 - We will reduce the number of days’ sickness absence lost per employee - 88% agreed we should do this.
You said:
Suggestions from feedback fell into the following broad areas: health and wellbeing of staff; positive intervention with workplace support, mental health initiatives and realistic targets; need for effective systems and staff interviews in place and responsibility of management.
We did:
Council is committed to reducing absence levels and has made good progress in the past year in a number of areas. Various health and wellbeing initiatives have been rolled out to help and positively support staff with mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. The mental health first aiders will continue to be promoted to staff.
All line managers have been trained in the Managing Attendance Policy and Procedure, with refresher training continuing as required in addition to training for all new mangers. The ongoing implementation of Personal Development Conversations (PDC’s) ensures that Line Managers take time to speak with staff and ensure they are given the opportunity to address any concerns and identify any additional help and support they may want.
Council acknowledge that staff absence is a long-term objective and is committed to ensuring that Health and Wellbeing of Staff is a priority in 2024-25.
Council has also improved access to sickness absence data at line manager/team level allowing them to effectively monitor trends and react to matters in a timelier way.
Objective 2 - We will improve processing times for planning applications - 97% agreed we should do this.
You said:
Feedback from respondents on this objective broadly acknowledged that processing times for planning applications could be improved. Comments were focused on the slow process with little communication with the customer/applicant and poor explanation of the planning system to first time applicants.
We did:
Over the last 12 months the Council has been involved in a cross-government programme of work aimed at making the planning system more efficient and more effective. We are also continuing to implement a service improvement plan and new IT system which aim to deliver a more streamlined and customer focussed service. One of the initiatives to flow from the improvement plan is the promotion of a pre-application service aimed at enhancing communication with the customer and speeding up processing times. The Council has also undertaken a recent review of its website content to help inform the public about the planning system.
Objective 3 - We will reduce Council’s environmental impact through the implementation of the Net Zero Roadmap Analysis and associated Action Plan - 85% agreed we should do this.
You said:
Responses to this performance improvement objective fell broadly into the following areas: suggestions of allotment provision, soft plastic recycling and concentrating on Oxford Island Nature Reserve and more consultation with resident to find out what the residents want to see. There were a couple of comments against the net zero objective with one concerned with the associated costs and that Council are behind other councils in comparison.
We did:
The need to act on climate change is reflected in global, national and local policy and targets. The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement is an international commitment to achieve ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and try to keep global warming to 1.5C. This target has been adopted by both the UK and Stormont governments. Locally, the Climate Change Act (NI) 2022 has introduced new duties on public bodies to report on their progress on both mitigation and adaptation.
This new legislation sets specific requirements on Council to record and monitor all actions in regard to climate mitigation and adaptation. The Net Zero Analysis and the Action Plan are designed to ensure that Council complies with the regulations in actions and in spirit.
The draft Net Zero Analysis has been produced with input from members and staff and has been agreed at committee level. All Departments have been consulted and have identified actions that they will take forward in line with the Net Zero Analysis principles.
Council has identified climate measures as a priority in the Corporate Plan and each Departments Business Plans now include climate mitigations/adaptation actions.
It is recognized that this is a long-term objective for Council that requires adequate and specialised resources. Where possible Council will explore and seek funding for renewable energy projects and efficiency measures.
Objective 4 - We will continue to improve our communications with our customers on waste management services - 100% agreed we should do this.
You said:
Feedback from respondents on this objective fell into the following broad areas: more communication and information on waste recycling, where the waste goes to and the impact that recycling has on the environment and generally more information for businesses in relation to recycling and the need for an up to date and accurate website.
We did:
The waste section on the council website is continually reviewed to ensure accurate and up to date information is available to residents and there is a dedicated section on the website for commercial waste has been developed.
A communications plan for Environmental Services is now in operation with an emphasis on waste reduction, recycle more and recognition of community and volunteer initiatives to keep areas clean. The communications plan uses a wide range of methods to deliver effective messaging with a greater emphasis on video content and increased awareness to download the Council App.
A customer satisfaction survey will be carried out and results will be analysed to identify and inform future areas of improvement within the service.
Objective 5 - We will improve communications with our customers on Council services and responsibilities - 97% agreed we should do this.
Feedback from respondents on this objective fell into the following broad areas: that it was much needed and that communication channels needs to reflect the demographics of borough in that not everyone uses social media platforms; more education for elected members on council responsibilities; more communication on council performance in relation to it’s responsibilities; improvement in internal communications on roles and responsibilities to ensure that public are directed to the right person/department.
We did:
Council maintains and regularly updates staff intranet and Council websites in conjunction with all departments to ensure effective access for staff and our residents, business and customers. We are continuing to use social media platforms to send out communications to customers on council services and responsibilities.
As part of this improvement objective, internal communications will also be reviewed, ensuring improved communications to staff on Council and Department’s responsibilities. For those services that fall outside of Council responsibility information will be provided on where to access help and support.
We also asked you for feedback on where we could improve generally.
You said:
Feedback on this request for suggestions on how to improve from the general public fell into the following broad areas: a lot of suggestions around waste collection, bringing back weekly collections and provision of more bins/dog foul bins/litter warden patrols; increased grass cutting; cleanliness of South Lake Leisure Centre and open spaces; more street cleansing/sweeping; more investment in public facilities and increased community groups.
Council welcomes all feedback to the consultation and appreciates the consideration given by stakeholders and residents to the proposed Performance Improvement Objectives.
The detailed responses, suggestions/comments and feedback have been passed to the relevant departments for consideration in line with business and service delivery plans.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is conducting a consultation to seek your views on its proposed Performance Improvement Objectives for 2024 to 2025.
The Local Government Act (NI) requires Councils to ensure continuous improvement whilst carrying out their functions and delivering services. Councils are also required to set improvement objectives and put in place arrangements to achieve these.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is keen to ensure their performance improvement objectives have a positive impact on the quality of life for stakeholders across the Borough – that residents, businesses and all stakeholders are confident of Council’s commitment to deliver services that are efficient, economic and of a high standard.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on: the PROPOSED Performance Improvement Objectives which Council wishes to include in its Performance Improvement Plan for 2024 to 2025; the Equality Policy Screening form and; the Rural Needs Impact Assessment.
The consultation closes on Tuesday 21 May 2024
You can request alternative formats of the questionnaire by contacting the Performance Team using the details below:
- By email to:
- By phone: 0300 0300 900 and ask for the Improvement Manager in the Strategy & Performance Department
- In writing to: Strategy & Performance Department, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Old Armagh Hospital, 39 Abbey Street, Armagh BT61 7DY
Paper copies of the consultation are also available from our Council offices:
- Armagh Office, The Palace Demesne, Friary Road, Armagh BT60 4EL
- Banbridge Office, Civic Building, Downshire Road, Banbridge BT32 3JY
- Craigavon Office, Craigavon Civic & Conference Centre, Lakeview Road, Craigavon BT64 1AL
A paper copy can also be printed from the relevant link in the Related section at the bottom of this screen. These can be returned to any Council office above or by email to
Please return your response no later than Tuesday 21 May 2024.
Why your views matter
We are keen to ensure the Performance Improvement Objectives we include in our Performance Improvement Plan for the year ahead have a positive impact on the quality of life for stakeholders across the Borough.
We welcome your feedback, comments or suggestions on how we might improve our services, and in particular, any proposals you might have for new performance improvement objectives.
What happens next
All responses to the consultation will be analysed and feedback used to inform Council's Performance Improvement Plan for 2024 to 2025. Results from the survey and actions we intend to take will be published here by week beginning 12 August 2024.
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